Asim Habib


I'm skilled in area of web design and development with Computer Science educational background. Easy to work with and don't stop till it is almost perfect. I'm tech mixologist and able to combine all the ingredient whether it involves front end like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap or backend technologies like Php, MySQL to comeup with awesome recipe for clean, professional, functional websites. I'm also not shy to work with CMS integration and e-commerce solutions like Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, OpenCart and Shopify. Constantly learning web technologies and other design related topics, currently playing around with Node/Express JS, React, Vue and Python.

    Some of my skills include:
  • Php, MySQL
  • NodeJS, MongoDB, Express
  •, C#, SQL
  • HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, JQuery, Git
  • Responsive Web Design, Bootstrap
  • Open source CMS Wordpress,Drupal & Joomla
  • Shopify E-commerce platform
  • Photoshop, Illustrator
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